
Comparison between Peter the Great and Emperor KangXi

As we know, Peter the Great and Emperror KangXi are both famous politists in history. They contributed to Russia and China a lot and forged the power of these two great empires. However, the ways under which they lead their countries are different and thus the two great countries was influenced to a great extend. Firstly, Peter the Great was a creative leader willing to bring in new technologies and ethos,while KangXi was a conservetive ruler with a strong desire to block new stuffes. When Russia was under the rule of Peter the Great, the national institutes for science and technology was built. In additional, the fundamental of many new courses was established, although most of them were related to millitary demand. In contrast, KangXi was afraid of new technologies that may undermine his rule. Therefore, he blocked all commercial and scientific communication with foreign countries. Besides, Peter the Great was enthusiastic at expanding the so-called Great Russia Empire,whereas KangXi just wanted to solidify his rule of China. Because of Peter the Great, Russia was implicited in the confliction with Poland ,Sweden and Turkey. As a result, Russia grabbed the hegemony of northern and middle europe tightly and becomed much larger. By contrast, KangXi tried to soften the rebellion in China with political methods. Only when it was the very time would he depended on millitary power. From above-mentioned points, we can conclude that these two famous emperrors are different, although they are both wise emperrors.

1 条评论:

Brad Blackstone 说...

Thanks for this post. You do a great job of establishing principles of contrast in this interesting paragraph. At the start it would have been informative to mention time periods here as well. When did these guys rule? (I know about Peter, but not Kangxi.) The gravest problem here though is language use. Please review verb tense use, subject-verb agreement, and use of transitions.

Thanks a lot!